Thursday, March 20, 2014

"I love Mama"

I just stumbled across a love letter from my daughter. Skye loves to sneak into my office and leave little notes and today, as I was using my post-it pad during some conference calls, I found a note that simply said, "I Love Mama." The love was drawn as a heart, though. That helped me identify that it was from Skye and not from Hunter (this time).
Pure love

Many of my readers may have noticed that I haven't written much in a while, and that saddens me. I simply haven't found the time to do it, despite it bringing me much joy. I love chronicling the parenting adventures I experience and lately, because I have been spread so thin, I've noticed I haven't been open to the joy that comes in the simplest of moments. Skye's note jogged me back into a space of gratitude and awareness that I need to keep an eye on my priorities. I wonder what compelled Skye to leave the note. I'll have to ask her later, but until then, I'll just accept it and take great pride that she took the time to leave it.

Donna and I tell our children everyday that we love them. And we hear it from them everyday. I never want that to change, but I also don't want to take it for granted. True love is so rare. I believe it's the source of our divinity. I also believe it's in short supply these days.

So, I'm going to make some changes and get back into a space where I am blogging more regularly. Because I know when I am blogging, it means I'm truly staying in the moment and remain open to true love and all of the ways it manifests itself.

I know I'll have a lot to share next month. Skye and I are going to Boston to take in a Boston Red Sox game during opening weekend. She's my little BoSox fan and carries on a love for the team that was started by my grandfather nearly fifty years ago. I miss him dearly, but I know he'll be with us in spirit and I know that Skye will have even more inspiration to leave love notes when we get back. So, stay tuned folks!

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