Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"You're kinda like a teacher, because you teach people respect."

Yesterday was a big day in the Graffam home. I turned 42, Skye lost her first tooth, and as we were driving to my favorite restaurant for a birthday celebration, she gave me one of the nice compliments I've ever received.

She asked, "Mama, are teachers mothers?"

I said, "Some of them are."

She said, "You're kinda like a teacher, because you teach people respect."

I smiled and thanked her for such a nice compliment.

I love teachers. I think they are unsung hero(ine)s and undervalued in our current culture. Having volunteered in the classroom quite often, experiencing the level of energy and creativity and focus that they must use every day is daunting. I come home exhausted after one day and have a renewed appreciation for what good teachers feel every day. They are often vilified in the press for wanting to secure a comfortable future for themselves and some degree of job security. If we really think about the impact a good teacher has on our children and by default, our future, I think the bartering between teachers unions and the local governments would be a lot easier.

Skye sees me as a teacher of respect.
When volunteer in the schools, I talk about respect. I've shared that message with K-5 students for the past two years and I actually started a business with a dear friend that is founded on treating each other with respect. It's an anti-bullying business named The Situation Box. We go into fifth grade classes several times each year to talk about bullying and how to deal with and prevent it. The bottom line is, we are teaching respect. Sadly, I think that respect is becoming increasingly rare these days. Our culture promotes bullying in several forms. It's cool to put each other down based on a number of subjective criteria. Whether it be size, race, economic status, gender, orientation, intellect, or athleticism, we find ways to exploit each other. And, we forget that people have varying tolerance for being teased. So, I'm very proud that Skye has noticed what I do in my "spare" time and considers me a teacher.

I also feel blessed to see it rubbing off on my children. Donna and I love watching our children show kindness and consideration to their friends and family. We never tire of hearing from our friends how kind and thoughtful Hunter is and Skye has a very unique way of complimenting people on either how they look or how they are behaving. I know how easy it is to forget at times to treat one another with kindness. We are moving so quickly from one obligation to the next, that we forget basic manners and consideration. Yesterday, one of my friends posted on my facebook page, "...To one of the strongest most compassionate loving women I am blessed to know!!" I was so touched to hear that. I hope I continue to earn that reputation.

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