Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Are you going to be arrested?"

I went to bed last night with the comfort that President Obama would have my back for the next four years. It was a hard fought victory and a clear win for our President. Running a country is not an easy task. People differed on many aspects of our country's challenges. I believe we need to make sure we act like grownups and avoid rubbing our victory in the noses of our neighbors who differ from our ideology.

One area where I will not back down however, is on the issue of gay marriage. I'm very proud of my home state of Maine, where the populace voted for gay marriage. BUT, the thought that it is even a referendum issue makes my skin crawl. I will never forget the day last month when my son came home anxious about whether Governor Romney would win and what it would mean for his family. He learned that Romney was against gay marriage, so in his mind, if he was elected, his moms would be at risk of being thrown in jail because we are gay. Hunter asked, "If Romney wins, will you be arrested?" We assured him that wouldn't happen.
Hunter prayed we would not be torn apart
Sadly, his fears would be very real in other parts of the world. Donna and I could be thrown in jail or worse yet, killed, for our orientation. So, even though I hate the fact that my love for my wife and my commitment to her is easily placed on some states election ballots, we still live in a country where hate crimes are not tolerated.

There were so many other issues at stake during this election and I believe President Obama will be able to offer parity to so many of us who are middle class citizens trying to maintain access to affordable health care, more of our pay, and keep more of our jobs in this country. I think he understands the struggles of the middle class and those aspiring to the middle class. And for me and my family, I think he understands that gay rights are civil rights and it's time we we granted the same rights our heterosexual peers enjoy.

I never want my son or daughter to come home fearful that their family will be torn apart because someone doesn't believe we have the same right to love and protect our family as they enjoy. I think it's an important message to drive home. Let's stop codifying discrimination into the fabric of our country. Let's stop allowing our children to think that one person is better than another because "God said so."

Let's remember what our forefathers dreamed of when they founded this country, demanding "liberty and justice for ALL." Believing and working toward that vision will not strip straight citizens of their civil liberties, it will simply allow my family to feel just as valued as anyone else. And I have faith that we'll all be stronger for it when that day finally comes.

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