Wednesday, July 15, 2015

"Mama and Mommy are Lovable"

Skye loves to express herself with art and writing and she pens love notes regularly. Her timing defies reason as she will send a note to me before I even realize how important it will be to balance my day. I found her most recent note earlier today. I'm in the throws of PMS, so  juggling work and home responsibilities with the confidence I usually have is shaky. I tell you, her timing is not only perfect, but sometimes prophetic!

Because of my hormonal roller coaster, I'm feeling less than lovable, but I found this on my desk today.
True love

In true Skye-style, she shows unapologetic enthusiasm in each pen stroke. She even used my favorite color for her background. And, because she's always in a hurry, she masters the art of emoticons. It's a short-hand style that I usually can't stand, as I fear it's undermining the literacy of young-people everywhere. But, when it's done in the hand of your nearly nine-year old princess, it's easily accepted.

Feeling lovable has been rather hard to grasp recently. In the wake of the SCOTUS's decision to overturn bans on same sex marriage, there has been much a lot of divisiveness over  an issue that has so little to do with sexuality and so much to do about love, commitment and family. Even families we know and love are divided over the topic.

Fortunately, Donna and I have very supportive families, so we are not feeling that personal pain. The support we enjoy is amplified in our children's ability to easily express their love for their parents. If it's not a love note from Skye, we receive daily reminders from Hunter about how grateful he is for his parents being together for so long and being happily married. It's a particularly sensitive topic for Hunter because he has so many peers whose parents are not together.

Donna and I are proud of our kids and only need to look at them for validation and reassurance that our marriage is powerful and serves as a healthy example of long-term commitment and love. So, I have to thank Skye for the love note and give thanks to God above for all he's blessed us with.

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